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Tzu Chi Helps Schools Resume Operations Safely

As the COVID-19 vaccination rate increased in the United States, many states began to ease restrictions affecting schools. In response, Tzu Chi Education Foundation’s character education team contacted Juanita Blakely Jones Elementary School in San Bernardino, California, about coming back to the school to provide in-person character education.

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Altruism, One Small Bite at a Time

Just like Dharma Master Cheng Yen’s adult disciples, students at Tzu Chi Walnut Education Park take initiative to end all suffering (in their own small way). Children of all ages have the opportunity to eat healthy, plant-based meals and learn about how they are saving the Earth at the very same time.

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Teachers Expand Upon Tzu Chi’s Environmentally Friendly City at Great Love Preschool

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fast-growing youngsters at Tzu Chi USA’s Great Love Preschool in Walnut, California, couldn’t freely explore and learn about their neighborhoods as they once might have. Collecting recyclable cardboard boxes of assorted sizes, they designed each of them as a team to resemble various vehicles large enough for the children to wear and cruise around in. Previously, teachers and students alike had made their very own city to give thanks for everyone’s hard work, and the students used this city of Great Love as part of their lesson.

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A Book Donation Inspires a Relay of Love From California to Mexico

Amid educational reforms, Tzu Chi Elementary School in Walnut, CA, is moving forth with new textbooks. But with more than 600 previous editions on hand and in excellent condition, Tzu Chi Elementary School decided to donate the books to a school Tzu Chi is helping rebuild in Mexico.


Educate with Love We are a group of dedicated, passionate educators who believe not only in bringing solid academic programs to students but also in
